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Title of Event

Let’s paint

Event Form

Event organizer

Social Enterprise Gumbati

Link to a site or other electronic resource of an organization/initiative

Event target group

Event Date and Time

06.10.2020, 17:00

Address at which the event will be held

Цалка, село Гумбати

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Event Country

Event language/languages

Expected results of the event

We will paint the wall of the social enterprise with the idea of ​​peace. Due to the fact that the goal of our enterprise is to bring together young people of different religions and nationalities. Georgian, Armenian, Greek and Azerbaijani populations live together in Tsalka municipality so topic of peace will be closest and important. We invited an artist who will paint the wall and introduce street painting to young people. After the drawing we will have a discussion about the positive side of diversity. To implement this idea we will need paints and snacks. We will find an artist to help us forming the idea and paint a wall. The painting will be done on a wall that our beneficiaries look at every day and they will think about the idea that we should build peace together.

Name and Surname of the contact person

Ira Dzirkvadze
