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Title of Event

Good Guys VS Bad Guys: Threatful Outcomes of the Black-and-White Media Discourse

Event Form

Event organizer

A. Shestopalova (Private person. PhD student of Hamburg University)

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Event target group

Event Date and Time

09.10.2020, 14:00

Address at which the event will be held


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Event Country

Event language/languages

, ,

Expected results of the event

All the attendants of the lecture will learn about the up-to-date scientific approaches to the studies of polarizing media strategies. The attention of the event will also be paid to the description of threatful social and political outcomes of black-and-white media discourse using examples from counties of Eastern Partnership of the EU. The language of the lecture is planned to be simple, adapted to non-prepared attendants and is aimed to give them various practical knowledge needed to detect and confront manipulative media campaigning in everyday life. The desired results of the lecture are to give the attendants deeper understanding of the discussed aspect of personal and social information security as well as the knowledge about the very basic tools applicable for solving problems of the sphere.

Name and Surname of the contact person

Alona Shestopalova
