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Title of Event

Project activities in the development of civil society

Event Form

Event organizer

Adult Educational Center of Poltava Region

Link to a site or other electronic resource of an organization/initiative

Event target group

Event Date and Time

07.10.2020, 17:00

Address at which the event will be held

off.344a, Kovalya St., Poltava, Ukraine

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Event Country

Event language/languages

Expected results of the event

Ожидаемые результаты для участников: сформируют представление об особенностях проектного менеджмента; овладеют навыками написания проектных заявок.
Expected results for participants: will form an idea of the peculiarities of project management; master the skills of writing project applications.

ссылка на регистрацию:

Name and Surname of the contact person

Inna Pakhomova
