Events dedicated EENCE Citizenship week: Azerbaijan
In Azerbaijan, the EENCE Civic Education week preparation is started from August 2020. Read a short report on the key events of the Week held by Azerbaijani NGOs and experts.
“YES” to Education, “NO” to Early Marriage
Its youth initiative in cooperation with the Shamkir Youth Center and Career Development Center.
Under the initiative slogan, youngsters from the Shamkir region demonstrated the performance, promoting the importance of the girls` Education.
The youth group arranged photo shootings in Shamkir and planned an exhibition on October 9, in the EENCE Citizenship week frame.
However, due to the Karabakh conflict’s escalation (September 27, till November 10), the exhibition moved to December 10.
As December 10 is a Human Rights Day, it is significant to raise equal rights opportunities and pay attention to the girls` education issues. The photos will be an exhibit on December 10, and the group will provide relevant information accordingly.
Forum theater – the event initiated from the Shamkir Youth and Career Development Center.

The initiative talks about cultural identities and demonstrate females` participation in community development through history. Moreover, in the frame of the event, the debates are organized among the youth.
The youth group organized a rehearsal of the Forum Theater performance in Heydar Aliyev Center in Shamkir on September 26.
Because of the II Karabakh War, it was impossible to perform it in from of the broad public.
The organizer canceled the event for security reasons.
“Learning to write social project for my community” – the workshop organized on behalf of Time for Development – youth changemakers group.
The workshop has been held from August 30 to September 3.
Thirty young people living from the different regions of Azerbaijan attend the workshop.
During the five days’ workshop, participants learned further knowledge and tools to write social projects, set the action plan, develop the budget, use fundraising and friend-raising technics, etc.
As a result of the workshop, participants developed nine small seed projects for their communities.
Community projects covered environmental protection, Non formal Education for rural children, LGBT rights, Diversity, and other topics.

Mentoring workshop – organized on behalf of Time for Development – youth changemakers group.
The workshop has been held fin 2-3 September.
Eight young changemakers attend the workshop.
Active youth, representing different communities, learned new skills and knowledge on mentoring, which will help them work with the local youth, and involve the community projects.
Townhall meeting: Discussion about the Social Entrepreneurship (online) – Two town hall meeting organized by Education HUB in September, where different stakeholders, social enterprises, representatives of the Civil Society Organizations, media, and private sector, came together and discussed primary challenges for the development of social entrepreneurship in Azerbaijan.
EduHUB expert, Abil Bayramov, shared the desk research results and present recommendations for the development of the SE in Azerbaijan. Around 40 persons were attended the discussions.
Presentation of the “SHARED SUCCESS” film, dedicated to the Social Entrepreneurship in Azerbaijan.

The film is talking about the ongoing social entrepreneur initiatives in Azerbaijan.
The social entrepreneurs share their success, motivation, and significant social impact over the years and are pointing out the key challenges and presenting their dreams for the future.
The film is produced by the Education HUB and planned to organize two presentations – in August and in October – to the broad public.
The first presentation has been held on August 30. However, due to the lack of an internet connection, we could not arrange the 2nd presentation in October.
Organization of regional media network – The event organized by “Mingechecir Ishiqlari” and other media representatives from regions where they discussed future opportunities and challenges for them.
My pandemic diary reflects youth activities and life in the COVID-19 period, including challenges and opportunities for self-development and initiative started by Naila Ismayilova, Bosch Alumni network member.
Around 17 youngsters were attended the event, which has been held on October 10.

International Social Entrepreneurship Forum: “Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship Opportunities” – due current situation SE forum organized on October 26 with support of State Agency on Small and Medium Enterprises.
150 participants joined the SE forum worldwide, including Europe, Eastern Partnership Countries, North America, etc.
The International Social Entrepreneurs Forum (online) was held in Azerbaijan in October, organized by Education HUB (EduHUB), in partnership with the State Agency on Development of the Small and Medium Businesses (DSMB).
Through the forum, EduHUB highlights social entrepreneurship’s role in socio-economic development as an innovative tool to achieve essential goals focused on growth.
Simultaneously, EduHUB experts presented their study results and shared recommendations to the national law on “Entrepreneurship.”
Speakers representing various state agencies and parliament members highlight the SE’s importance for Azerbaijan and main takeaways from the international experiences.
Presenters from the United States, Bosnia, and Herzegovina, Ukraine, and Georgia shared their social entrepreneurship experiences and provided information on social entrepreneurship legislation in different countries, discussed social business creation, innovative solutions for social development, and intersectoral cooperation for sustainable development.

Make community projects creative. This project brought together 16 young people representing different regions of Azerbaijan.
The main focus of training is to provides knowledge and skills on citizenship education, using innovative and creative non-formal education tools.

“#Trashtag” initiative organized in Bilasuvar, the south region of Azerbaijan.
The event was initiated on behalf of the “Care of Nature” youth initiative group.
In the civic education week frame, the initiative group organized several activities to raise environmental awareness among the community. In the first part of the event, the youth provided a cleaning campaign in the Beydilli village.
In the second stage, the initiative group decorated recycled boxes from the air conditioner and transferred them to the trash bin.
In the third stage, the youth group met with local people. It encouraged them to pay more attention to the ecological issue and use the 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) concept to protect the environment.
15 young activists were involved in the #Trashtag ing process.
“Love animals” initiative group is from the Gazakh region.
The group had a zoom call where they discussed street dogs’ problems and how to prevent them.
They invited Board members of “Animal Care Club” Aytaj Hasanov and animal rights defender Aynur Babazade to discuss these challenges.
Later the team performed “Kindness for little friends” music, and the event covered 34 persons.